Partnership Opportunities

A revolution in environmental solutions: Seakura’s innovative treatment of marine pollution.

As a company heavily invested in aquaculture and seaweed farming, we understand the critical importance of preserving our oceans and marine life. It is impossible to exaggerate the impact of pollution on our environment, which particularly harms the marine ecosystems and as a result also us, humans.

In recent years, the global issue of sea pollution has received significant attention, which has been defined as a criminal offense and has resulted in new regulations and fines for polluting industries worldwide. At Seakura, we recognize the urgent need for an innovative, ecological, efficient, cost-effective and simple solution to combat this pressing environmental challenge.
So far no solution has been found in the world that meets these challenges.

For the first time in the world, Seakura presents a pioneering approach to treating sea pollution using a unique technology for growing seaweed on land. This unique method was developed and perfected over 15 years, and offers consistent and reliable results.

We invite you to share about Seakura’s new service with the relevant companies in the industry.

Join us on our journey to make a real difference for our oceans and the planet. It is our collective responsibility to create a cleaner and healthier future.
For more information please contact us at